Skull and Bones: The Fruitful Debates of Durian Cutting

Discover the divisive world of durian cutting in Skull and Bones with mixed opinions from players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones players are stirred up over the intricacies of durian cutting. The age-old debate of skill versus smell has taken over the community, sparking heated discussions and thoughtful insights.


  • Players debate the effectiveness of durian cutting in the game, with some loving the experience and others questioning its value.
  • A mix of appreciation for the skill involved and disdain for the pungent smell of the fruit creates contrasting opinions.
  • The gameplay loop associated with durian cutting has divided the community, with some finding it engaging while others see it as repetitive.

Passion for Cutting

One user, eldeejable, expressed their visceral reaction towards the durian cutting mechanics, stating, “I can smell this video…ugh.” The intense connection between the gameplay and real-life sensations is evident in their comment.

Taste and Tactics

Another player, Present_Drink9083, sought to understand the in-game experience better by asking, “What do these tastes like?” This query highlights the curiosity and interest in exploring the nuances of durian cutting within the game.

Stamina Fruit Debate

SkyKilIer shared a positive outlook on the fruit, mentioning, “I love this fruit, it’s the only stamina food I use for a reason.” Their endorsement of durian as a stamina-boosting item showcases the gameplay implications of food choices in Skull and Bones.

The Art of Transition

Not all comments were critical, as ZultonPowerSlkaxia commended the transition loop in the cutting sequence, stating, “That’s a nice transition loop👏🏿👍.” This positive feedback highlights the appreciation for the game’s attention to detail.