Skull and Bones: The Search for a New First Mate Sparks Controversy

The hunt for a new first mate onboard the Skull and Bones ship ignites heated discussions among players.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Skull and Bones, finding the right first mate is no easy task. One disgruntled player took to Reddit to vent their frustrations and list out their requirements for the ideal candidate, sparking a mix of reactions from the community.


  • Players seek more customization options for crew members.
  • Community members divided on traditional vs. modern crew dynamics.
  • Issue of repetitive and annoying dialogue in the game.

Reactions to the First Mate Dilemma

Andreas expressed his frustration, turning off dialogue volume to avoid hearing from the current first mate after completing the story.

Grimmblut highlighted the historical context, noting the difference between traditional naval hierarchy and pirate ship democracy.

Stefan-semael mentioned the superstitions of having women on board ships in the past.

DradonSunblade advocated for more customization in a game where diverse operations should be showcased.

Community Calls for Change

Ok_Macaroon624 reminisced about the need for a beloved character from a past game to join the crew.

NotDusks desired a change in the demographics of the crew with a specific preference for a muscular black character.

ScareCrow6971 resonated with others in disliking the current first mate’s backstory and motivations.

Asciiadam and Sharp_Enthusiasm_293 vented about the repetitive and annoying lines that the first mate utters, expressing strong distaste for the dialogue.

Critiques on Game Dialogue

VenexisBookah shared concerns about the lackluster voice lines and the mismatch between the dialogue and gameplay actions.

KriegsToddlich echoed the frustration, lowering crew chatter volume due to the incessant screaming from the current first mate.
