Skull and Bones: The Writing Woes of a Pirate Adventure

The writing in Skull and Bones has come under fire for being weak and juvenile. Let's dive into the Reddit post and see what gamers have to say about it.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the vast ocean of video games, there are bound to be some titles that grab the attention of gamers and stir up a storm of controversy. One such game is Skull and Bones, an open-world pirate adventure developed by Ubisoft. While the game has its fair share of fans, there is a growing number of players who are expressing their disappointment with the writing in the game.


  • The writing in Skull and Bones has been criticized for lacking wit and charm.
  • Some players feel that the opening line, “THE DAWN OF CAPITALISM,” is weak and poorly written.
  • Others argue that the line is a dig at capitalism and has deeper meaning in the game’s context.
  • Several players point out the historical accuracy of the line, as it references the East India Companies and the dawn of capitalism.

The Wit and Charm That’s Missing:

When it comes to storytelling in video games, the writing can make or break the immersion factor for players. In the case of Skull and Bones, many players feel that the writing falls flat, lacking the wit and charm that one would expect from a pirate adventure.

One Reddit user, Whitbybud, expresses their disappointment, stating, “Everything anyone says seems weak (weaker than AI even?), and it feels like it’s completely lacking any wit and charm.” It’s clear that they were looking for more engaging and memorable dialogue to enhance their gameplay experience.

However, it’s important to note that not all players share this sentiment. TheRavaged responds to Whitbybud’s critique by explaining that the opening line, “THE DAWN OF CAPITALISM,” is actually a dig at capitalism and serves as a commentary on the greed of the East and West India Companies. This line, while seemingly weak on the surface, carries a deeper meaning within the game’s context.

Historical Accuracy vs. Dramatic Effect:

One of the points of contention among players is the opening line itself. Bumpanalog finds humor in the fact that the term “capitalism” was not coined during the time period in which the game is set. They comment, “I laughed out loud when they said ‘The dawn of Capitalism’ in a game set hundreds of years before the term ‘capitalism’ was even coined.” The irony is not lost on them, as it creates a humorous juxtaposition.

On the other hand, FluffyProphet points out the historical accuracy of the line, stating, “The Dutch east India company is literally the dawn of capitalism though. It wasn’t called that at the time, but it was when the capitalist model was sort of born in its modern form.” This perspective highlights the balance between historical accuracy and the need for dramatic effect in storytelling.

While the writing in Skull and Bones may have its flaws, it’s important to remember that opinions on the matter are subjective. Some players may find the writing lacking, while others appreciate the game’s attempts to weave history and narrative together. Ultimately, the success of a game lies in the overall experience it provides, and for many players, Skull and Bones delivers on its promise of a thrilling pirate adventure, flawed writing notwithstanding.