“Skull and Bones: To Buy or Not to Buy?”

Should you pre-purchase Skull and Bones? Reddit users weigh in on their concerns and excitement over the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a highly anticipated game that has been the subject of much debate among gamers. The subreddit for the game is filled with discussions about whether or not to buy the game at launch or wait for a discount. Users are torn between their excitement for the game and their concerns about its future. In this article, we will explore the sentiment and reasons behind these discussions.


  • Users are considering pre-purchasing the Deluxe version for exclusive content.
  • Concerns about the game’s community and potential lack of players are holding some users back.
  • The absence of open-world PvP is a major drawback for potential buyers.
  • Many users are curious about who plans to buy at launch or wait for a later time.

Exclusive Content and Community Concerns:

One user, de_stroyedd2, is contemplating pre-purchasing the Deluxe version. They are enticed by the special goodies that come with it and their love for collecting in-game items. However, their biggest worry is whether the game will have an active community. They express their fear of spending money on a game that might end up with empty servers.

This concern is echoed by another user, DarkSoulsFTW54, who says they would buy the game but not the premium version. It seems that the game’s community is a significant factor in the decision-making process for potential buyers. They want assurance that there will be enough players to make the game enjoyable and engaging.

No Open-World PvP and Ubisoft’s Development Pace:

The absence of open-world PvP is another issue raised by users. They express disappointment with the lack of this feature and criticize Ubisoft for not including it at launch. Some users are skeptical about Ubisoft’s promise to explore options for implementing it, doubting their ability to deliver on time.

derp0815, a user in the subreddit, sums up the sentiment with a touch of humor, saying that with Ubisoft being Ubisoft, a discount is the only logical option for potential buyers. This comment speaks to the reputation that Ubisoft has gained in the gaming community for its frequent discounts and sales.

The Buying Dilemma:

The poll linked in the original post reflects the divided opinions among users. Some plan to buy the game at launch, eager to be a part of the initial community and experience the game from the beginning. Others are more cautious and prefer to wait for reviews, discounts, or even improvements to the game before making a decision.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to buy Skull and Bones is a personal one. It depends on each individual’s appetite for exclusive content, their optimism about the game’s community, and their willingness to wait for potential improvements. The sentiments expressed in the subreddit indicate a mix of excitement and concern, showcasing the depth of discussions happening within the gaming community.