Skull and Bones: To Upgrade or Not to Upgrade – That is the Question!

Should you upgrade your ship in Skull and Bones now or wait for the developers to fix the bug? Dive into the debate with our analysis!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Skull and Bones, ship upgrades are a crucial decision for players to make. The post by SchnappsCarrot delves into the dilemma of whether to upgrade a Barque to level 6 or wait for the developers to address a ship vanishing bug that has affected players.


  • Players are torn between upgrading now for progression or waiting for bug fixes.
  • Contacting the developers via Discord is recommended to ensure visibility for bug resolutions.
  • Some players have experienced positive outcomes after submitting bug reports and providing detailed information on lost items.

Players’ Dilemma

SchnappsCarrot shares the frustration of losing a Barque with upgraded levels and valuable cargo due to a ship vanishing bug. The uncertainty lies in whether it’s wise to enhance a new Barque to level 6 immediately or hold off until the developers clarify their approach to resolving this issue.

Community Support

The community offers advice on handling the situation, with users like duntduntdahh emphasizing the importance of submitting bug reports and providing comprehensive details of lost items. This proactive approach led to a positive outcome for some players, instilling confidence in upgrading despite the bug.

Game Integrity Concerns

However, concerns about game integrity and potential game-breaking issues arise, as highlighted by Snoo61551, who views unresolved bugs as a possible game killer. The fear of experiencing such a detrimental bug without a rapid solution prompts players to question how to safeguard against such losses in the future.

The discussions on whether to upgrade ships in Skull and Bones reflect the community’s investment in the game’s progression and the impact of technical issues on player experience. As players navigate these challenges, the decision to upgrade or wait becomes a strategic choice influenced by player trust in the developers’ ability to address and rectify game-related issues.