Skull and Bones Treasure Hunt: Can You Find It?

Join the hunt for buried treasure in Skull and Bones! Check out this Reddit post for clues and helpful tips.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the vast world of Skull and Bones, treasure hunters are always on the lookout for hidden riches. A recent Reddit post by user Mercury1112 has sparked a discussion about the location of a particularly elusive island. With map images and detailed descriptions, players are pooling their knowledge and resources to crack the case.


  • Player Mercury1112 seeks assistance in finding a mysterious island in Skull and Bones.
  • Several users suggest that the island is the Necropolis Outpost.
  • One user advises checking the covers of outpost images for a match.

Unlocking the Secrets:

According to user Core_Collider, the island in question is the Necropolis Outpost. With confidence, they provide a link to their response, showing the exact location in Skull and Bones. Other users chime in, confirming this discovery and praising Core_Collider for their expertise.

But how did Core_Collider know the island’s location? User bermontoto enlightens us with a simple tip: check the covers of outpost images. They explain that outpost covers and map covers are often similar, so by comparing the images, players can find the treasure they seek. This insightful advice receives widespread appreciation from the Reddit community, with players expressing gratitude for the useful nugget of information.

Embarking on New Adventures:

The Skull and Bones community is known for its dedication and thirst for adventure. This Reddit post serves as a prime example of how players come together to help each other unravel the mysteries of the game. Whether it’s charting unexplored islands, battling fearsome pirates, or hunting elusive treasure, the excitement and camaraderie are always palpable.

So, if you find yourself lost in Skull and Bones and in need of guidance, don’t hesitate to turn to the community. With their collective wisdom and unwavering support, you’ll never be adrift for long. Happy hunting!