Skull and Bones: Ubisoft’s Controversial Decision

Ubisoft's decision to prevent players from starting over in Skull and Bones has sparked outrage among fans.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones, Ubisoft’s highly anticipated pirate-themed game, has been making waves in the gaming community. However, a recent decision by Ubisoft has left many players fuming. In a post on Reddit, user deadly_duncan shared their frustration and disbelief after receiving confirmation from Ubisoft that creating a new character would require using another Ubisoft Account.


  • Ubisoft’s decision to restrict players from starting over in Skull and Bones has received backlash.
  • Many players enjoy restarting games to have a fresh experience.
  • The lack of clarity from Ubisoft regarding this decision has added to the frustration.

Outrage and Disappointment

One user, TheRavaged, expressed their disappointment, stating that they enjoy starting over in games to reexperience them after knowing what they are doing. TheRavaged was surprised to find out that they couldn’t make a second character in Skull and Bones. They also questioned if Ubisoft would consider changing this decision in the future.

Confusion and Doubt

Skad00dl3 replied to the post, wondering why anyone would want to start over in the first place. Their comment sparked a debate among other users, with some defending the ability to restart games for a fresh experience, while others argued that it was unnecessary.

The Fallout

This controversial decision by Ubisoft has left many fans disappointed and frustrated. The lack of communication and clarity surrounding this restriction has further aggravated the situation. Players who enjoy starting over in games are now left with no option but to use a different Ubisoft Account to create a new character, which has not been well-received.

The community continues to voice their discontent, urging Ubisoft to reconsider their decision and provide clarity on why this restriction has been implemented. Whether Ubisoft will address these concerns and make any changes remains uncertain. In the meantime, players eagerly await further updates on Skull and Bones, hoping that this controversy will not overshadow the game’s potential.