Skull and Bones: Underwear Mishaps in the Game?

Is the underwear glitch in Skull and Bones intentional or just a bug? Gamers weigh in on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones players are in for a surprise when their characters’ underwear starts showing on items that don’t require it. But is this a bug or an intentional design choice in the game? This question has sparked a lively discussion on Reddit’s r/SkullAndBonesGame subreddit.


  • Gamers find their characters’ underwear showing on items unnecessarily.
  • Some speculate it’s a bug, while others believe it’s an intentional detail.
  • The humorous thread ignites laughter and playful banter among players.

Underwear or Bug?

One user, Suitable_Garage, jokingly remarks, “I’ve seen a lot of complaints about this game, but not seeing cleave is new.” His comment reflects the prevalent sentiment of amusement and lightheartedness surrounding the underwear glitch. Gamers understand that bugs are a part of gaming, and this one seems to have brought some entertainment value to the community.

An Intentional Choice?

On the other hand, geheimni suggests that the underwear showing on certain items might be intentional. They explain, “You’re wearing a coat, not a shirt, hence your underwear is still needed.” This argument presents an interesting perspective, suggesting that the developers deliberately added this detail to enhance realism and immersion in Skull and Bones.

The comments section of the Reddit post is filled with playful banter and jokes about fashion mishaps and unexpected wardrobe choices. This lighthearted response from the community indicates that players are not overly bothered by the glitch. Many see it as a humorous addition to the game, adding a touch of whimsy to their virtual pirate adventures.

It’s worth noting that developers often face the challenge of balancing realism and gameplay mechanics. Small glitches like this may provide a source of entertainment and discussion among the player base, contributing to the overall enjoyment of the game.

In conclusion, while some may perceive the underwear glitch in Skull and Bones as a bug, others find it to be an intentional detail. The Reddit community’s response is overwhelmingly positive, with gamers embracing the humorous aspect of the glitch. Developers may choose to address this issue in future updates, but for now, it remains a quirky addition to the game that sparks laughter and playful banter.