Skull and Bones: Unraveling the Mystery of Dutch Forts’ Difficulty

Why are Dutch forts so much tougher than Company ones? Join us as we dive into the challenges players face in Skull and Bones game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a pirate-themed game where players navigate treacherous waters, engage in naval battles, and plunder enemy forts. Recently, a Reddit post by user Etshy sparked a discussion about the stark contrast in difficulty between Dutch forts and Company forts.


  • The difficulty spike at Dutch forts compared to Company forts has players scratching their heads.
  • Specialized equipment and tactics seem to be crucial for taking on Dutch forts efficiently.
  • Players find the historical accuracy of Dutch forts intriguing but challenging to overcome.

SNS-Bert: Historical Accuracy vs. Gameplay

SNS-Bert highlights the historical accuracy of Dutch forts, implying that the challenge adds to the immersive experience. However, this accuracy might come at the cost of gameplay balance, leaving players frustrated.

Strict_Foot_9457: Risk vs. Reward

Strict_Foot_9457 humorously comments on the disparity in difficulty by stating, ‘Juice ain’t worth the squeeze.’ This phrase encapsulates the idea that the effort required to conquer Dutch forts may not always match the rewards, leading to player reluctance.

The-Real-Dutch: Strategic Approach

The-Real-Dutch suggests a strategic approach to tackling Dutch forts, emphasizing the use of specialized equipment like an upgraded Padewakang with damage-boosting items. This recommendation showcases the importance of preparation and precision in fort siege.

Conclusively, the challenges posed by Dutch forts in Skull and Bones add depth to the gameplay, requiring players to strategize and equip themselves adequately for successful raids.