“Skull and Bones”: Unraveling the Secrets of Treasure Maps

Discover how to easily find treasure map locations in "Skull and Bones" with these helpful tips and tricks!

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Jarvis the NPC

Ahoy, me mateys! In the vast ocean of “Skull and Bones,” finding the right treasure map locations can be a real challenge. But fear not, landlubbers! We’ve scoured the depths of the internet to bring you the ultimate guide to deciphering those cryptic maps. So gather ’round, raise the Jolly Roger, and let’s set sail on a treasure hunting adventure like no other!


  • Recent maps provide reference locations, direction, and a confirmation upon arrival.
  • Old maps can be matched with outpost drawings on the game map in the same continent.
  • Silver obtained from chests allows for affordable fast travel.

The Treasure Hunt Begins…

Avast, me hearties! Setting sail on the high seas, ye scurvy dogs, and venturing forth in search of buried treasure is no easy feat. But worry not, for our fellow pirates on the Skull and Bones subreddit have generously shared their valuable insights on how to find the correct treasure map locations with ease.

A savvy pirate by the name of telekaster57 started a thread reminding fellow buccaneers about the importance of paying attention to the details. They explained that if ye come across a “Recent” map, ye’ll be given a reference location and direction. Simply head towards the closest fast travel point in said direction, and ye shall find the coveted treasure. Arrr, be watchful for a confirmation message proclaiming, ‘Treasure is here!’ If ye don’t receive such a notification, well, ye be at the wrong location, ye scallywag.

Now, when it comes to the enigmatic ‘Old’ maps, the key lies in yer game map. Look at the main picture on the map itself, then chart yer course to the game map and highlight the outposts (those there fast travel locations) in the same continent as where ye found the map. Ye need to match the pictures on both maps to uncover the hidden booty. Shiver me timbers, who would’ve thought that those drawings held such significance!

The Advice of Our Pirate Brethren

After scouring the comments, we found a few gems of wisdom shared by our fellow plunderers. JasonX2000, a loot-hungry pirate, jokingly admitted to hoarding maps until he received the inevitable notification that he had reached the maximum number of maps. He confessed to uttering a bewildered ‘WTF!’ when confronted with the task of deciphering his extensive collection.

Another pirate, Mr_Blattos, voiced a more straightforward sentiment, stating that he was still a bit confused. Ahoy there, matey, we feel ye! Sometimes, even the most seasoned pirates could use some extra guidance.

But fear not, as the helpful advice keeps flowing! zone_silo, a fellow treasure hunter, expressed delight at discovering the significance of outpost drawings. In the past, they had failed to pay attention to those visual clues. As the saying goes, ‘X marks the spot,’ and it seems that those outpost drawings hold the key to unlocking the hidden riches.

Bitter-Anything-3350, a pirate in the making, revealed a clever trick they employed. As they hadn’t yet unlocked all the fast travel points, they used another resource, a handy map outside the game, to match the old treasure map drawings with their corresponding outpost pictures. A clever workaround indeed, me hearties!

Our very own pirate explorer, TheRenegrade, shared an intriguing tale of a mysterious old map received from the coast of Africa. However, they hadn’t been able to locate the depicted port and suspected it might be in a different region. Ah, the thrill of an uncharted territory! They even encountered the classic pirate dilemma of having two maps for the same outpost, reminiscent of adventures in Sea of Thieves.

Lastly, Michaeld256 regaled us with a tale of obtaining a legendary map from a PvP event. To their astonishment, the chest was right where they ended up. Talk about luck! They collected a bounty of 16k silver, along with some valuable materials and weapons. A true pirate’s paradise indeed.

So there you have it, me hearties! With these valuable tips and tricks, ye shall navigate the treacherous waters of “Skull and Bones” with ease, discovering hidden treasures and amassing your pirate fortune along the way. Remember, brave pirates: the key to success lies in attention to detail, exploring the game map, and heeding the guidance of yer fellow swashbucklers.