Skull and Bones: Unveiling the Padewakang Contract

Discover the secrets behind the Padewakang contract in the highly anticipated Skull and Bones game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is an upcoming action-adventure game set in the Golden Age of Piracy. Players take on the role of a pirate captain and venture across the Indian Ocean, engaging in intense naval battles and looting treasure. One of the most sought-after items in the game is the Padewakang blueprint, which allows players to craft a powerful ship. A Reddit post on the Skull and Bones subreddit discusses the questline associated with obtaining this blueprint.


  • Buying the blueprint is the most convenient way to obtain the Padewakang ship.
  • Materials for crafting the ship can be acquired by looting ships and purchasing common mats from settlements.
  • Completing the Helm questline will guide players towards the blueprint location.

The Quest for the Padewakang Blueprint:

One user, ReconPilot01, seeks assistance in understanding the contract chain that leads to obtaining the Padewakang blueprint. Willpalazzo shares their knowledge, stating that the blueprint can be purchased for a sum of 5000 silver. They advise collecting the required common mats from settlements and looting ships to acquire the special mats. The area is inhabited by privateers, providing ample opportunities for looting.

BigFudge028 clarifies that the Padewakang blueprint is not a quest reward and can only be obtained by purchasing it and crafting the ship. Therefore, the quest itself does not exist, but players can embark on the Helm questline to navigate their way through the game world and eventually stumble upon the blueprint.

Server Troubles and Wealth Accumulation:

While the discussion primarily revolves around obtaining the Padewakang blueprint, rummrover takes a brief detour to inform fellow players about a temporary server issue. They suggest patience and trying again later, indicating that the server will likely be back up soon.

LucifersPromoter offers a piece of practical advice, suggesting that players simply purchase the Padewakang blueprint as it saves time and effort. They also mention that completing the Helm questline, which is part of the game’s natural progression, will naturally lead players to accumulate sufficient wealth before encountering the blueprint.

The Padewakang blueprint is a valuable item that players of Skull and Bones strive to acquire. While there is no specific quest associated with obtaining it, the community recommends purchasing the blueprint and gathering the necessary materials through looting and trading. The Helm questline acts as a guiding path, leading players closer to their goal. Whether players choose to embark on a quest for wealth or rely on their hard-earned silver to acquire the blueprint, one thing is certain: the Padewakang ship is a force to be reckoned with in the treacherous seas of Skull and Bones.