Skull and Bones – Upgrade Dilemma in Pirate’s Life

Deciding between ship upgrades in Skull and Bones is tougher than battling sea monsters. Find out the best choice in this pirate adventure!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the high seas of Skull and Bones, the choice of upgrading ships becomes as crucial as picking your next target. Reddit user DrItchyUvula seeks advice on upgrading ships to level 6, a critical decision that could make or break their pirate career. With limited upgrade parts, which ship should they boost – the barque, brigantine, or brig? Additionally, the query about reclaiming materials upon selling a ship adds another layer to this pirate saga.


  • Choosing the right ship upgrade can significantly impact gameplay dynamics.
  • Player preferences and playstyle heavily influence ship upgrade decisions.
  • Reddit users provide diverse perspectives on ship upgrades, outlining various advantages and drawbacks.

Insights on Ship Upgrades

When low on upgrade parts, Reddit user Stormfirebird advises against rushing any upgrade, emphasizing that the incremental boosts may not be game-changing. This cautionary approach suggests considering the long-term benefits of each ship upgrade, especially if the available parts are scarce.

Ship Preference Considerations

User Conandrewoo shares their experience with different ships, highlighting the nuances of each vessel’s strengths and weaknesses. Their detailed account showcases the varied gameplay styles these ships cater to, offering a broader perspective on ship upgrades beyond mere statistics.

Strategic Upgrade Choices

In the intricate world of Skull and Bones, user HolliDollialltheday raises a critical point about aligning ship upgrades with one’s playstyle. This strategic approach underscores the importance of synergizing ship upgrades with individual preferences and in-game tactics, ensuring a seamless integration of upgraded features.

Balancing the scales of power on the tumultuous oceans of Skull and Bones demands not just a sharp eye for combat but also a keen sense of strategic ship upgrades. As Reddit users navigate the treacherous waters of pirate life, their insights shed light on the intricate decision-making process that shapes their virtual adventures. Whether opting for the brute force of the brig, the versatility of the barque, or the agility of the brigantine, each ship upgrade holds the key to unlocking new gameplay horizons in this captivating pirate saga.