Skull and Bones: Verse of Vengeance Buffed? Community Reactions

Discover what the Skull and Bones community thinks about the recent adjustments to the Verse of Vengeance.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the Skull and Bones subreddit, users are discussing the recent changes to the Verse of Vengeance mission. The community seems divided on whether the content has been buffed or if something else has changed.


  • Players speculate about Verse of Vengeance’s difficulty spike.
  • Some claim the mission remains unchanged.
  • Community humor shines through discussions on game balance.

Community Reactions

Users like ropax are surprised by the increased challenge of the Verse of Vengeance mission. The player mentions, “I used to be able to solo this pretty easily. Today, I’m getting my ass handed to me.” This sentiment is met with responses like Stuart267’s playful jab: “It wasn’t buffed. You were nerfed lol. Patch fixed the damage glitch in the game.”

Game Balance Discussions

Debates emerge on the nature of the changes, with some players attributing their struggles to personal skill rather than game adjustments. One user, JackSparrow55, quips, “It’s not the game, mate. You just need to ‘git gud’ as they say.”

Theorycrafting Time

As the community delves deeper, theories surface about stealth updates or hidden changes affecting mission difficulty. Speculation runs wild, adding an air of mystery to the ongoing discourse.