Skull and Bones: Waiting Patiently for the Game to Drop

Bouncing between games, waiting for the game to drop? Check out the excitement and anticipation from fans on the Skull and Bones subreddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones has fans on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting its release. Despite the hate, many believe in the game’s potential and find the game loop to be enjoyable. Let’s dive into the subreddit to see what players are doing while they wait for the game to drop.


  • Players express excitement for Skull and Bones
  • Some players explore other games
  • Community discusses different game options

Excitement for Skull and Bones

In the Skull and Bones subreddit, players show their excitement and anticipation for the game’s release. User jryan529 mentions patiently waiting for midnight, not paying attention to the hate surrounding the game. They believe in the game’s potential and find the game loop to be fun.

Exploring Other Games

While waiting for Skull and Bones, some players turn to other games to pass the time. User Random_Particle shares that they are playing Assassin’s Creed Black Flag, which helps scratch their itch for a pirate-themed game. Others, like rednitro, switch between Rocket League and Fall Guys, providing a variety of experiences while waiting for Skull and Bones.

Discussion on Game Options

The Skull and Bones subreddit also becomes a space for players to discuss other game options. User Mr_MatF expresses their plan to buy Diablo 4 and wait for a discount. User DumplingsCosby shares that they have been playing Shipbreaker and Hitman as their go-to games.

As fans eagerly await the release of Skull and Bones, they engage with other games and discuss different options within the subreddit. Despite varying opinions, excitement and anticipation prevail. The potential of Skull and Bones has players eagerly anticipating what the game has to offer.