Skull and Bones: What are People Saying about the Early Access?

Find out what gamers are saying about Skull and Bones early access and why some are excited while others are skeptical.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones, the highly anticipated pirate-themed action game, has recently entered early access. Gamers without early access are flocking to the subreddit to see what their fellow players are saying about the game. Let’s dive into the discussion and see what the community is buzzing about!


  • Some gamers are excited and can’t wait to play Skull and Bones, even if they don’t have early access.
  • Others relate to the frustration of not being able to play and share their anticipation for future gaming sessions.
  • One player mentions having other commitments but plans to dive into the game on their days off.
  • There’s a humorous comment about someone constantly expressing their impatience to play in a streaming Discord community.

Excitement and Anticipation:

Many community members are eagerly looking forward to playing Skull and Bones, even though they don’t have early access. Some users express their love for the game’s concept, such as one who jokingly mentions playing ‘itty bitty skull & bones games.’ Others relate to the feeling of being seen and share their excitement, saying they’ve never felt more understood in their lives. It’s clear that there’s a lot of positive sentiment towards the game among these gamers.

Frustration and Commitments:

However, not everyone is able to play the game right away. One player mentions buying the premium version but still being unable to play due to various commitments, such as dinner plans, puppy classes, or other responsibilities. Despite their obligations, these players express their determination to make time for Skull and Bones when they finally have a chance.

Comparisons to Previous Titles:

Some users express skepticism towards Skull and Bones, comparing it unfavorably to its predecessor, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. One player mentions waiting for a remake of Black Flag and not caring about Skull and Bones. This sentiment reflects a preference for the previous game and suggests that some gamers may have reservations about the new title.

Overall, the early discussions surrounding Skull and Bones on Reddit show a mix of excitement, anticipation, frustration, and skepticism. While many players are eagerly looking forward to playing the game, others have reservations or are unable to dive in immediately due to other commitments. It will be interesting to see how the community’s opinions evolve as more players gain access to the game and share their experiences.