Skull and Bones: Where Are the English?

Explore the discussion on Reddit about the absence of the English naval power in the game Skull and Bones.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a highly anticipated video game that promises exciting naval battles and strategic gameplay. However, some fans have taken to Reddit to express their disappointment about one glaring omission – the absence of the English naval power in the game. This article delves into the Reddit thread to understand the sentiment behind this concern.


  • Players are disappointed that the English are not featured in the game.
  • Some speculate that the English could be in America or in locked map areas.
  • The lack of historical accuracy is brought up in the discussion.
  • Players suggest adding Royal Marine uniforms to the game.

Isles of the Caribbean

While the absence of the English naval power may come as a disappointment to some, players have put forward various theories regarding their whereabouts. One player suggests that the English could be hidden behind a white wall across the sea to the north. Another speculates that they may be located in a locked map part. However, the lack of concrete information leaves players speculating and questioning the developers’ decisions.

A Colonial Conundrum

The British presence in India is a topic of discussion in the Reddit thread. Some players highlight the historical inaccuracy of the game’s opening scene, as the British didn’t colonize India until the 19th century. This leads to further confusion about the developers’ decision to exclude the English naval power from the game. While the game aims to provide an immersive experience, historical accuracy seems to have been sacrificed.

In Search of Royal Marine Uniforms

One suggestion that gains support in the discussion is the addition of Royal Marine uniforms to the game. Players express their desire to dress their crews in these iconic uniforms, adding an extra layer of authenticity to the experience. This idea resonates with the community, as it not only addresses the omission of the English but also gives players the opportunity to further customize their gameplay.

In conclusion, the absence of the English naval power in Skull and Bones has sparked a discussion among fans. While some see it as a missed opportunity for historical accuracy, others speculate about the English’s possible presence in locked map parts. The addition of Royal Marine uniforms is a popular suggestion that could satisfy players’ desire for customization and further immersion in the game. As fans eagerly await the release of Skull and Bones, only time will tell if the developers take these suggestions into consideration.