Skull and Bones: Where to Find Higher Tier Loot

Discover the best strategies to find high-tier loot in Skull and Bones. Join the discussion and learn from experienced players!

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is an exciting game that offers thrilling pirate adventures on the high seas. As you progress through the game, obtaining higher tier loot becomes crucial to strengthen your ship and become a formidable force. One Reddit post by user Kanyyy sparked a discussion about where players are going to find their higher tier loot.


  • World events and PvP are great sources of loot, with the cap possibly being level 9.
  • Convoys can drop 400 rated armor and provide a significant step towards level 9 or 10.
  • Gathering tier II and III weapons can also lead to good loot, but it’s all randomized.
  • Teamwork and cooperation from other players are crucial for engaging in shared events and tackling legendary captains.

Discovering the Best Loot Strategies

According to DisgruntledWarrior, world events and PvP are excellent ways to obtain high-tier loot. It seems that level 9 may be the cap, and players have been able to gather valuable items from these activities.

Mavor516 chimes in, adding that convoys can drop 400 rated armor, which is a massive step towards reaching level 9 or even 10. Additionally, looting tier II and III weapons can yield good results, although it all comes down to luck and randomization.

zombiegamer87 discusses their own experiences with the game, mentioning their frustration at being stuck on level 8 and unable to craft better items. They also highlight the importance of teaming up with other players for shared events, which can be challenging due to a lack of engagement from the community. However, they share a hilarious moment where a group of six players managed to defeat a legendary captain together, despite experiencing some lag. The rewards from these shared events are often lackluster compared to gathering wrecked ships and lower-level vessels, which raises the hope that players will be more cooperative in the future.

Stuart267 shares their goal of upgrading their armor and taking on the ghost ship, inviting others to join in on the adventure. This exemplifies the importance of collaboration in tackling challenging content and obtaining higher tier loot.

All in all, Skull and Bones offers various avenues for finding higher tier loot. Engaging in world events, participating in PvP battles, targeting convoys, and teaming up with other players for shared events are all viable strategies. Luck plays a considerable role in obtaining the best loot, but with perseverance and cooperation, every pirate can strengthen their ship and become a legendary figure on the seas.