Skull and Bones: Who Scheduled the Windows Update for Every Night?

Players of Skull and Bones express frustration over nightly Windows updates disrupting their gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones players have been left in the dark as they face constant disruptions due to nightly Windows updates. As one user lamented, the unexpected torpedo of a host leaving during an intense battle came as a shock, leaving players frustrated and questioning who scheduled these updates for prime gaming hours. It seems that this small indie dev may have forgotten to notify players of the downtimes, causing frustration among beta testers who hope the issue will be resolved before release.


  • Players frustrated by nightly Windows updates disrupting gameplay.
  • Speculation that the dev team is testing server load management.
  • Frustration over lack of communication and anticipatory fixes for the issue.

Testing Server Load

One user speculated that the dev team might be using the nightly Windows updates to test how the servers handle an influx of players getting on at once. While this may be a purposeful strategy, it has left players feeling frustrated and caught off guard. The sudden host leaving message can throw players off, especially in the midst of intense battles. The lack of warning or communication about these updates has led to widespread disappointment.

Indie Dev Woes

It seems that this small indie dev may have fallen short in notifying customers about upcoming downtimes. One user sarcastically commented that the issue would surely be fixed by the time of the game’s release, but the reality seems uncertain. The frustration expressed by players stems from the fact that they are eagerly participating in the beta and expect a certain level of communication and support from the developers. Without proper notification, players find themselves sinking in the middle of a fight due to server disruptions that could have been prevented.

Fulfilling Contracts and Server Shutdowns

Another player mentioned how irritating it is when the servers shut off for 20 minutes right when they are about to fulfill a contract. The timing of these nightly updates at around 9pm has become a predictable annoyance for players. It is particularly frustrating when they are on the cusp of achieving in-game goals, only to have their progress halted due to the inconvenience of a sudden server shutdown. This lack of consideration for players’ time and effort has left many disgruntled.

As players continue to navigate the waters of Skull and Bones, they hope that the developers will address the issue of nightly Windows updates and find a more player-friendly way to manage server load. Communication and attentiveness to the community’s concerns will be crucial in maintaining a satisfied player base. Until then, players will have to brace themselves for the potential torpedo of frustration that comes with each nightly update.