Skull and Bones: Why Can’t I Board DMC Ships?

Having trouble boarding DMC ships in Skull and Bones? Find out why players are experiencing this issue and how it affects gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Skull and Bones, players have been encountering a frustrating glitch that prevents them from boarding DMC ships. While the game prompts players to board these ships, they are only given the option to use a fire bomb instead. This glitch has been leaving players confused and wondering why they can’t engage in boarding actions. Let’s take a closer look at the issue and the discussions surrounding it on the Skull and Bones subreddit.


  • The crew attack needs to be able to kill enemies for it to be considered a boarding action.
  • Players may need to be in a ship equal to or larger than the ship they are trying to board.

Exploring the Glitch:

According to Reddit user The_real-truth, the crew attack in Skull and Bones is only recognized as a boarding action when it successfully kills the enemies on the ship in question. This means that simply using the crew attack without causing any casualties won’t trigger the boarding prompt. Players need to make sure their crew attack is effective in eliminating the opposing forces before attempting to board.

SchnTgaiSpork adds another possibility for why players are unable to board DMC ships. They suggest that players may need to be in a ship of equal or larger size than the ship they want to board. This restriction would make sense, as it would be unrealistic for a much smaller ship to successfully board a larger vessel. It seems that the game mechanic is designed to simulate this limitation and promote a sense of realism in ship battles.

Taking It to the High Seas:

The frustration surrounding the inability to board DMC ships in Skull and Bones reflects players’ desire for an enriching and immersive gaming experience. Boarding actions have been a staple in pirate-themed games, allowing players to take over enemy ships and plunder their loot. The glitch preventing such actions can significantly dampen the overall enjoyment and sense of accomplishment within the game.

Players have been discussing potential workarounds and strategies to overcome this glitch. Some suggest ensuring crew attacks are powerful enough to eliminate all enemies on board, while others recommend upgrading to a larger ship to increase the chances of successful boarding attempts. These discussions highlight the passion and dedication of the Skull and Bones community in finding solutions and enhancing the gameplay experience.

While encountering glitches and bugs in video games is not uncommon, it’s crucial for developers like Ubisoft, the studio behind Skull and Bones, to address these issues promptly. Responding to player feedback and working towards resolving bugs can greatly improve player satisfaction and maintain a loyal player base.

As Skull and Bones continues to sail the video game seas, players eagerly await patches and updates that will address the boarding glitch and enhance the overall gameplay experience. Until then, players can rely on the vibrant Skull and Bones community to exchange strategies and share their experiences as they navigate the treacherous waters of DMC ships.