Skull and Bones: Why Does This Game Get So Much Hate?

Despite enjoying Skull & Bones, the game receives a lot of negative criticism. Are game critics just looking for reasons to dislike it?

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a game that seems to be attracting a lot of hate, despite having potential. One Reddit user, Jaxxzoid_0, expressed their confusion about the negative reception the game receives. They mentioned how they enjoy playing the beta and recognize that there are some mechanics and details that need improvement, but overall, they’re in love with the game. However, whenever they go to YouTube or read reviews, it’s nothing but negativity.


  • Under delivering on the original product
  • Ubisoft hate
  • Sea of Thieves fans hoping for failure

Reasons for the Hate:

One user, Mr_Blattos, outlined a few reasons for the hate. They mentioned that the hate stems from a combination of the game under delivering on the original promises, the perpetual hate that Ubisoft games often receive, and the influence of Sea of Thieves fans who want this game to fail.

Another user, Ihstkenuty, explained that negativity tends to attract more viewers than positivity. This idea is supported by algorithm trends that show negative reviews or negative discussions generate more viewership compared to positive remarks.

TurdBurgHerb pointed out a specific issue with the game – the loading screens. While this may seem like a minor issue, it can greatly impact gameplay experience and contribute to the negative sentiment surrounding the game.

Disappointments and Expectations:

A common theme emerges from the comments – disappointment and unmet expectations. Some users, like dominick324, expressed that the hate mainly stems from people wanting another pirate-themed Assassin’s Creed game rather than a boat-focused pirate game. They judge Skull and Bones based on what it isn’t, rather than appreciating it for what it is.

OutsideSwim4778 highlighted one of the biggest disappointments for pirate enthusiasts – the inability to board ships and engage in close-quarters combat. This feature, which was present in games like Black Flag, has been reduced to a short cutscene. Additionally, messy gameplay and numerous bugs contribute to the negative reception.

Frodiziak suggests that the trend nowadays is to declare a game as terrible without giving it a fair chance. Many players have already made up their minds about Skull and Bones before even trying it.

Black Flag Fanboys and Development Challenges:

One commenter, OptimusNegligible, points out that some Black Flag fans may be fueling the negative sentiment towards Skull and Bones. They may have certain expectations based on the success of Black Flag and feel disappointed by what they perceive as a failure on Ubisoft’s part.

JintalJortail sheds light on the challenges faced during development, mentioning that the game had been canceled and reworked multiple times. They also mention that if the original moral system had been implemented, it could have shaken things up, but it may have resulted in a significantly smaller player base. JintalJortail emphasizes that at its core, Skull and Bones is a pirate game, and it offers the essential elements of shooting, looting, and upgrading ships and weapons.

Despite the hate, there are still individuals like Jaxxzoid_0 who recognize the potential of Skull and Bones and genuinely enjoy playing the game. It seems that the negativity surrounding the game stems from a combination of high expectations, unmet desires for a different type of pirate game, criticisms of Ubisoft, and the influence of rival game communities. With further development and improvements, Skull and Bones could potentially win over its critics and emerge as a beloved game in its own right.