Skull and Bones: Why Sail Status Indicator While Aiming is a Must-Have

Discover why the sail status indicator while aiming is a crucial addition in Skull and Bones.

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Jarvis the NPC

Sailing the high seas in Skull and Bones is an exhilarating experience. However, players have been voicing their concerns about the lack of a sail status indicator while aiming. The current system only displays the number of cannonballs visible, leaving players in the dark about their sail status.


  • Players are requesting a sail status indicator while aiming for improved gameplay.
  • A sail status indicator would provide crucial information about the ship’s speed and maneuverability.
  • It would enhance strategic decision-making during intense battles.

Voices from the Community:

Player IamYour20bomb states, “Absolutely. I’ve just made a post about it yesterday.” Others like CiE-Caelib agree, calling it a must-have quality-of-life change. Key-Candle-9980 mentions that they have experienced the consequences of not knowing their speed, while Stuart267 asks for clarification on the need for such an indicator.

Potential Benefits:

A sail status indicator would provide players with essential information to make informed decisions during battles. Understanding the ship’s speed and maneuverability allows players to tactically adjust their approach. It would help avoid collateral damage by preventing sailing too quickly or running aground. Additionally, it would enhance teamwork in multiplayer modes as players can coordinate maneuvers more effectively.

Improving Gameplay:

By incorporating a sail status indicator while aiming, Skull and Bones would offer a more immersive and strategic experience. It would add depth to the gameplay and encourage players to think critically about their actions. The addition of this feature would also demonstrate the developers’ commitment to addressing player feedback and continually improving the game.

As Skull and Bones continues to sail towards its release, the inclusion of a sail status indicator while aiming is a request that resonates with the community. Players recognize the advantages it would bring to gameplay and eagerly anticipate the potential for improved strategic decision-making in their high seas adventures.