Skull and Bones: Why the Reddit Community Can’t Seem to Be Satisfied

Discover why the passionate and vocal community on Reddit has a hard time finding satisfaction with the video game Skull and Bones.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a highly anticipated video game that has yet to be released. However, if you were to visit the subreddit dedicated to the game, you would find a very divided community. The post titled ‘So everyone knows. NO game has come out in the last 5 years that wasn’t shit on by the reddit community. Ignore them. They will never be happy with anything.’ by user UrWrstFear is a prime example of the mixed sentiment surrounding the game.


  • The reddit community has a tendency to be critical of video games.
  • Some users believe that the negativity stems from a need for attention and a desire to feel superior.
  • Others argue that the criticism is valid and reflects disappointment in the game’s development and potential.

The Never-Ending Cycle of Negativity

One of the main themes in the comments is the perpetual cycle of negativity that plagues the subreddit. User Either-Tradition9181 humorously points out, ‘I mean star fields half a game and people dick ride that.’ This comment highlights the tendency for users to praise one game while bashing another. User Blinkmeanytime182 also criticizes those who repeatedly defend the game, stating, ‘Can say the same about the people who post nothing but ‘I don’t get the hate’ over and over again hopefully mods take them down too.’ The constant back-and-forth between fans and critics creates an environment of hostility and frustration.

The Letdown of Skull and Bones

User BigT232 offers a different perspective, arguing that the criticism directed at Skull and Bones is valid due to the game’s long development time and underwhelming quality. They state, ‘It’s not AAAA and seems very mid-tier for something in development for so long, that’s why it’s getting hate.’ This comment reflects the disappointment many fans feel towards the game and their expectations for an AAA experience. Laggoz lightens the mood by jokingly stating, ‘Hey I don’t suck! I’ll make ye walk the plank.’

The Coping Mechanisms of Fans and Critics

Another interesting aspect of the comments is the coping mechanisms displayed by both fans and critics. User eat_pray_plead humorously references the ‘copium’ of the post’s author, indicating a refusal to accept valid criticism. WarmPissu points out the irony of the situation, stating, ‘Games that have cope threads, end up dying. Good games don’t need people to cope like this and beg for people to ban criticism.’ These comments highlight the different ways in which individuals cope with disappointment and frustration.

Despite the mixed sentiment surrounding Skull and Bones, it is clear that the subreddit community is passionate and vocal. While some users seem to enjoy the back-and-forth banter, others find the toxic environment frustrating. Ultimately, the fate of Skull and Bones remains uncertain, but one thing is for sure – the Reddit community will continue to voice their opinions, for better or for worse.