Skull and Bones: Will Playing with Beta’s Max Level Create a Quest Starvation Problem?

Will reaching the max level in the beta cause a quest starvation issue in Skull and Bones? Let's dive into the Reddit post and comments to find out.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a highly-anticipated game, and players are already flocking to the subreddit to discuss various aspects of the game. One particular post caught my attention, as it addresses a potential issue that players may face when playing with the beta’s max level.


  • Players are concerned that reaching max level in the beta will leave them without enough quests to do upon release.
  • Some players feel that the ranking system was paced too closely together in the beta.
  • Others worry about losing out on XP in the main game if they continue playing the beta at max level.
  • There is also a concern that completing story quests in the beta will leave players with fewer quests to do upon release.

Player Concerns:

One player, ZetaPrimeG1, expressed their thoughts on the beta’s ranking system, stating, “I definitely think they spaced the ranking system early on way too close together. Probably could have done with doubling the requirement for the early levels so people didn’t cap the beta so fast.” This sentiment is echoed by Stuart267, who believes that playing at max level in the beta would result in missing out on XP in the main game.

Chem-Dawg74D also shares their concern, stating, “I’ve been wondering this as well.” It seems that many players are uncertain about whether playing at max level in the beta will have a negative impact on their gameplay experience upon release.

In-game Limitations:

One player, Ducimus88, pointed out that some story quests are already completed in the beta after reaching a certain rank. This raises concerns about running out of quests if players continue playing at max level. Ducimus88 hopes to team up with an in-real-life friend who will start fresh in the game to avoid the potential quest starvation problem.

However, AcanthocephalaPlus60 reassures players that the main quest is locked in the beta, so there shouldn’t be an XP problem. This comment provides a glimmer of hope for those worried about missing out on experiences in the main game.

It’s clear that players have valid concerns about playing at max level in the beta and its impact on their quest availability upon release. While some express worries about quest starvation and losing out on XP, others remain hopeful that the limitations in the beta will protect the overall gameplay experience.