Skull and Bones Wind Woes: Community Feedback and Fixes

The Skull and Bones community discusses the frustrating wind mechanics in the game and proposes solutions to address the issue.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is known for its challenging and immersive gameplay, but some players are finding themselves frustrated by one particular element – the wind.


  • Players express frustration over constant wind interference.
  • Suggestions include implementing a wind map for better navigation.
  • Some users defend the wind mechanics, citing realism and strategy.

Wind Woes

While sailing through the virtual seas of Skull and Bones, players are encountering a common adversary – the relentless wind that seems to thwart their every move. One player shared their exasperation after convincing a friend to join the game, only to have them quit due to the perpetual wind resistance no matter where they sailed.

Community Solutions

Some users propose practical solutions to alleviate the wind-related frustrations. One suggestion includes incorporating a wind map to provide players with crucial wind direction information, enabling better route planning and more strategic sailing.

Defenders of the Wind

On the other hand, some players defend the wind mechanics in Skull and Bones, emphasizing the realism and challenge it adds to the gameplay. They suggest utilizing the wind indicators and employing sailing tactics like tacking left and right to navigate effectively.

Despite the divided opinions on the wind mechanics, it’s clear that players are passionate about enhancing their gaming experience in Skull and Bones.