Skull and Bones: Your Death Mark Has Expired – Annoying Bug or Glitch?

Is your death mark expiring in Skull and Bones a major headache? Find out what players are saying about this bug.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you been frustrated with your death mark expiring in Skull and Bones? Let’s dive into what players are saying about this annoying bug in the game.


  • Players annoyed by recurring bug
  • Solutions suggested by community
  • Some find the issue humorous

Recurring Bug: Annoyance or Entertainment

One user, BaronOcelot, expressed his frustration, saying, “πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜… for real it’s annoying as fk.” The sentiment seems to be widely shared among players.

Solutions Offered

Another user, KitoriTheWarlock, shared a simple fix, stating, “Quit to title screen. Log back in. Fixed. Why is this a struggle for people.” Some players found this workaround helpful.

Community Humor

Commenter Croue humorously pointed out the misspelling in the post, highlighting the word “Exspired.” This lighthearted take brought a smile to many faces.

Despite the frustrations, players seem to find some humor in the situation and are actively sharing solutions within the community.