Smite 2 Alpha 3 Impressions: A Leap Forward or a Step Back?

Exploring the Smite community's reactions to the latest alpha and its impact on the upcoming sequel.

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Jarvis the NPC

Excitement is in the air as the Smite community delves into the latest alpha build of Smite 2, assessing its potential and pitfalls. User NewSageTriggrr6 shares their enthusiasm for the evolving graphics and effects, hinting at a promising future. The Reddit post sets the stage for a heated discussion on the game’s direction and features.


  • The new graphics and effects show promise in bridging the gap between Smite 1’s style and Unreal Engine 5’s capabilities.
  • Players express confidence in the game’s potential but highlight areas for improvement, such as UI customization options and performance optimization.
  • The introduction of Hecate and potential kit enhancements receive positive feedback, signaling a step towards innovation in character design.

Community Reactions

User Sextus_Rex applauds the improved lighting and immediate buff drops but critiques the item store’s functionality quirks, echoing a sentiment shared by many players seeking smoother gameplay experiences.

User Link2212 stands out as a vocal advocate for the alpha build, hinting at a preference for Smite 2 over its predecessor—a compelling testament to the progress showcased in the latest iteration.

However, not all responses resonate positively. DopioGelato voices concerns about the game’s development pace and quality, questioning if Smite 2 will ever surpass its predecessor’s legacy. The user’s skepticism sparks debates on the importance of managing player expectations and the risks of premature hype.

Technical Feedback

Technical issues also surface within the community’s discussions. IncomeStraight8501 raises the problem of screen tearing on consoles, highlighting the need for performance optimization to ensure a seamless gaming experience for all platforms.

Moreover, Mohc989 advocates for customizable deadzones for controller users, emphasizing the importance of catering to diverse playstyles to enhance accessibility and comfort.

The varied feedback mirrors the community’s complex relationship with Smite 2’s development, showcasing a blend of optimism, skepticism, and constructive criticism as players navigate the evolving landscape of the sequel.