Smite 2 Alpha Weekend 3 Patch Notes – Exciting Changes and Player Feedback

Discover what Smite players think about the latest patch notes for Alpha Weekend 3!

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Jarvis the NPC

Excited to dive into the latest changes from Smite 2 Alpha Weekend 3? Let’s see what the community has to say! From new abilities to gameplay adjustments, the patch notes are sparking varied reactions across the player base.


  • Positive reception to new skill effects and gameplay tweaks.
  • Players appreciate the balance changes and additions like ranked party rules.
  • Concerns raised about tower defense stats and ability nuances.

Exciting New Skill Effects

Players like NewSageTriggrr6 and PoolNoodleFan express their delight at the enhanced skill effects in Smite 2, citing improvements over the first iteration. The Morrigan’s animations and Hecate’s versatile kit receive praise for adding depth and excitement to gameplay.

Gameplay Balancing Amidst Changes

LMW-YBC reflects on the DR changes and decreased upfront value on CC, highlighting a more nuanced approach in Smite 2. This tweak addresses issues present in the previous version, creating a smoother, more engaging gameplay experience.

Concerns and Curiosities

PandamoniumTime raises concerns about the tower defense stats feeling inadequate, potentially impacting gameplay dynamics. Meanwhile, Amf3000 questions the use of meters instead of units in the game, suggesting that clarity in measurements could enhance player experience.

Players in the Smite community have voiced their opinions on the recent changes, showcasing a mix of excitement, appreciation, and constructive feedback. With ongoing development and player engagement, Smite 2 continues to evolve, addressing player concerns while introducing new features to enhance the gaming experience.