Smite 2 Alpha Weekend 3 – Player Feedback and Bug Reports

Dive into player feedback on the latest Smite 2 alpha weekend, sharing bugs, improvements, and concerns.

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Jarvis the NPC

Player feedback from the Smite community on Alpha Weekend 3 for Smite 2 sheds light on bugs, improvements, and concerns.


  • Players highlighted smoother gameplay for certain gods but raised concerns about ability visuals.
  • Bugs reported ranged from invisible ability effects to crashes and control issues across platforms.
  • Issues with matchmaking, crashes, and lack of party playability drew frustration from the community.
  • Controller-specific feedback called for quality of life improvements to enhance gameplay.

Player Feedback on Morrigan and Visuals

One user noted Morrigan’s improved gameplay but raised concerns about Neith’s lackluster sound effects compared to Smite 1. Performance issues were also highlighted, with calls for better visual cues on ability impacts.

Bugs and Technical Issues

Players reported a variety of technical issues such as invisible ability effects, crashes, and control problems. From game crashes on loading to invisible towers and missing FX, the community faced several hurdles during gameplay.

Matchmaking and Party Play Concerns

Several players expressed frustration over matchmaking difficulties and restrictions on party sizes, impacting the ability to play with friends. Issues with rejoining matches, crashes, and party limitations led to dissatisfaction among players.

Feedback from the Smite community reflects a mix of appreciation for gameplay improvements and frustration over technical issues and matchmaking limitations. As players continue to test Smite 2, addressing these concerns will be crucial to enhancing the overall player experience.