Smite 2 Dev Insight: Questions and Speculations for the Future

Get ready for the latest updates on Smite 2's development and what the community is buzzing about!

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Jarvis the NPC

Excitement is brewing in the Smite community as players gear up for the June 27 Dev Insight Stream for Smite 2. Many are eager to hear about upcoming features and changes in the game’s development. The anticipation is high as fans speculate on what’s in store for them.


  • Players are inquisitive about the art style transition from Smite 1 to Smite 2.
  • Concerns are raised about server availability in different regions and lag issues.
  • Questions about anti-cheat measures and matchmaking improvements surface.
  • Expectations for new cosmetics and gameplay enhancements are high.

Artistic Direction and Server Concerns

Players are split on the art direction for character designs, with some hoping for a return to 2D art akin to Smite 1, while others appreciate the current 3D rendering style. Additionally, the community is eager to see server improvements for smoother gameplay experiences in all regions.

Cosmetics and Gameplay Updates

Discussions revolve around the return of beloved cosmetics like Announcer Packs and potential redesigns. Players also express interest in a multi-recolor system similar to other popular games, injecting fresh customization options into Smite 2.

Ambitious Expectations and Future Plans

Concerns and excitement mingle as players ponder the frequency of god roster updates, the integration of new consumables, and the evolution of character abilities. The community reflects on past features while eagerly anticipating what’s next in the ever-evolving Smite landscape.