Smite 2: Excitements and Complaints from the Gaming Community

Smite players discuss their feelings about the upcoming sequel. Includes user insights, complaints, and excitements.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the midst of anticipation for the Smite 2, users fasten their seatbelts and share the riders of their mixed emotions ranging from excitement to concerns.


  • Community sentiment leans positively, excited about the prospect of a new engine and opportunities for improvement
  • Chiming concerns about game’s visual fidelity and potential split in player base
  • Anticipation for enhanced in-game items and characters
  • Underlying optimism about the future of Smite 2 despite uncertainties

Emotional Rollercoaster

While the gaming community awaits the release of Smite 2 with bated breath, emotions run high. MadChance1210 encapsulates the thrill, expressing excitement about the improved balancing, coding, and bug-fix potential in the sequel. However, as expressed by ofDawnandDusk, there is some disappointment about the perceived loss of Smite’s distinct charm in the pursuit of higher quality graphics and animations.

Potential Opportunities

Many players, like OfficialCoryBaxter, are hopeful about the opportunities that the new Unreal Engine 5 presents, particularly the possibilities of improved game graphics. Further, as MrSaracuse suggests, the ability for the game to ‘feel’ different, as well the potential for increased creativity, and improved items, are points of significant anticipation.

Navigating Uncertainty

Despite the excitement, questions surrounding uncertain aspects of Smite 2 have led to a degree of apprehension among players. Some, like New_Needleworker6506, worry about the possible split in player base and the reduced initial pool of gods. Others, such as Whitem4ne, voice concerns about changes to familiar aspects of the game, including the health bars and item system.

Even amidst the whirlpool of feelings, what stands out is the community’s electrifying anticipation and hopefulness for the future of Smite 2. Despite the concerns and uncertainties, gamers stand united in their enthusiasm to embrace the sequel and embark on a new journey within the world of Smite.