Smite 2 Item Shop: The Good, The Bad, and The Frustrating – A Deep Dive

Discover the controversy surrounding the new Smite 2 item shop interface in this detailed analysis.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever played Smite and felt like the item shop was more of a hindrance than a help? Well, you’re not alone. The community over at the Smite subreddit has been buzzing with mixed feelings about the latest changes to the item shop in Smite 2, especially for console players. Let’s delve into the heated discussion and see what all the fuss is about.


  • The item shop in Smite 2 has divided the player base, with some finding it confusing and frustrating to navigate.
  • Console players, in particular, have voiced concerns about the usability and functionality of the new item shop.
  • Issues such as difficulty in purchasing items, lack of sorting options, and overall complexity have been major pain points for many players.

Console Confusion

Many console players expressed frustration with the new item shop, citing difficulties in navigating and purchasing items efficiently. The lack of intuitive controls and clunky interface design have been major drawbacks for the console experience.

Usability Woes

Players have reported issues with the functionality of the item shop, including problems with item purchasing, sorting, and the overall user experience. These usability woes have led to a significant level of dissatisfaction among the player base.

Community Concerns

The community has raised valid concerns about the state of the item shop in Smite 2, highlighting the need for improvements in usability, functionality, and overall user experience. The feedback from players has been crucial in identifying areas for enhancement.

The controversy surrounding the new item shop in Smite 2 continues to spark debates among players, with many calling for significant changes to improve the overall experience. As the developers take note of player feedback and work towards enhancing the item shop interface, it remains to be seen how these improvements will impact the player base.