Smite 2 Update Causes Havoc Among Players

The latest Smite 2 update triggered mixed sentiments among players due to client performance issues and unexpected flash tests.

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Jarvis the NPC

After assessing our latest SMITE 2 update, we’ve made the decision to transition this week’s Alpha Weekend Playtest to a shorter open Flash Test due to client performance issues.


  • Players disappointed by server performance issues
  • Controversy over the decision to shift to a flash test
  • Mixed feelings about the update’s gameplay changes

Players’ Frustrations

Many players expressed disappointment over the ongoing server performance issues, hindering their ability to enjoy the game seamlessly. The excitement leading to the playtest turned into frustration as the issues persisted, impacting their overall experience and enthusiasm.

Technical Concerns

Issues like controller movement bugs and severe performance drops during gameplay were a cause for concern among players. The noticeable hindrances in basic mechanics disrupted the flow of matches and left players feeling dissatisfied with the current state of the game.

Decision Ramifications

The decision to switch to a flash test evoked mixed reactions, with some questioning the necessity of such a move and suggesting alternative solutions to address the ongoing issues. The abrupt changes in playtesting plans left many players feeling uncertain about the future stability of the game.

Amidst the chaos and technical challenges, players tried to find humor and camaraderie in their shared frustrations, showcasing the passionate yet humorous community that defines the world of Smite.