Smite: After the Nerf, Do You Still Hate Him? Community Opinions

Discover how the Smite community feels about Susano after the recent nerfs. Love him or hate him?

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Jarvis the NPC

Smite players are split on whether they still hate Susano after the recent nerfs. Some find him sleazy, while others point out his quick attacks.


  • Players have mixed feelings about Susano, with some hating his playstyle and design.
  • Quick auto attacks and abilities make some players frustrated with Susano.
  • Some players dislike the community that tends to play Susano characters.

RancidVegetable: Sleazy Duo

Him and Aphrodite always create mayhem in the arena, making them the sleeziest duo for some players.

Aspiana: Strong Dislike

If there are Susano haters, count Aspiana as one of them, expressing strong sentiments towards the character.

Spare_Character_4865: Simplistic Dislike

One word response indicating a simple dislike towards Susano.

Godman873: Design Issues

Hatred towards Susano stems from the character’s kit design and the type of players it attracts.

Players express their frustrations with Susano’s agility and auto-attack speed, diving into the factors that lead to their disdain or admiration towards the character. While some appreciate his mechanics, others feel overwhelmed and taken advantage of in the midst of battle. The discussion highlights the diverse opinions within the Smite community, showcasing the varied experiences players have with this particular character.