Smite Fans React to the Return of Hastened Fatalis

Smite fans are buzzing with mixed emotions as the infamous Hastened Fatalis makes a return in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Smite fans have been taken by storm with the recent comeback of the notorious Hastened Fatalis, stirring up a frenzy of emotions and opinions among players.


  • Players express excitement and concern over the return of Hastened Fatalis.
  • Some reminisce on using the item in past seasons, while others question its impact.
  • The potential impact on meta and gameplay strategies is a hot topic of debate.

Excitement and Concern

“Frostalis 😐” commented lloveSmitee, showcasing a mixed sentiment towards the iconic item’s return. Some players like pieface100 expressed eagerness but hoped for balanced gameplay. Others like mrgreeley simply labeled it as ‘disgusting,’ indicating discontent.

Meta Impact

Questions like SinesterBrayn23’s inquiry on the role of Hastened Ring now reflect concerns over item redundancy, while SirMmmmm’s nostalgia for Apollo hints at potential shifts in hunter gameplay tactics.

Community Reaction

Posts like NPhantasm’s critique on developers resetting knowledge spark discussions on game design choices, adding layers to the fan reaction. User Preform_Perform humorously referred to past experiences, demonstrating a mix of nostalgia and skepticism.

As players navigate the reintroduction of Hastened Fatalis, the community remains divided yet intrigued by the implications for gameplay and strategy. The item’s revival has reignited a myriad of emotions, from excitement to skepticism, setting the stage for dynamic shifts in the Smite meta.