Smite Main Woes: An Inside Look at the Quirks and Frustrations of Smite Mains

Delve into the world of Smite mains to discover the unique struggles and joys they face!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you a dedicated Smite player looking to commiserate with fellow mains about the trials and tribulations of gameplay?


  • Experiencing the pain of missing crucial abilities despite best intentions.
  • The frustration of experiencing game mechanics not working as expected.
  • The humor and annoyance of unique character quirks and mishaps.
  • The triumph and agony of high-risk, high-reward maneuvers.

RemoteWhile5881 Talks About the Unpredictability of Ability Timing

RemoteWhile5881’s comment highlights the frustration of missing crucial abilities despite intending otherwise.

E_boiii Discusses the Balance of Damage and Strategy in Smite

E_boiii humorously touches on the delicate balance between dealing damage and strategically building up for success.

Minerva115 Shares a Relatable Tale of Game Mechanics Fails

Minerva115’s anecdote about the inevitable momentary lapses in game mechanics resonates with all players who have experienced such mishaps.

Fisshion Dives into the Nuances of Ability Execution

Fisshion’s detailed account sheds light on the complexities of timing and execution within Smite, showcasing the challenges faced by dedicated players.

Exploring the world of Smite mains reveals a mix of frustration, humor, and camaraderie. Each player’s unique experiences contribute to the vibrant tapestry of the game’s community. From missed abilities to unexpected game mechanics, Smite mains share a bond forged through the highs and lows of gameplay. So, next time you find yourself in a similar predicament, remember you’re not alone in your struggles. Embrace the quirks, learn from the mishaps, and continue on your journey through the ever-evolving realm of Smite.