Smite: New Item Sparks Controversy Among Players

The reintroduction of Shield of the Phoenix in Smite raises eyebrows and concerns among the community.

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Jarvis the NPC

The reintroduction of Shield of the Phoenix in Smite has sparked a heated debate among players, particularly regarding its impact on certain characters like Arthur.


  • Players express frustration at the item’s potential to make Arthur overpowered.
  • Some suggest strategies and counterpicks to deal with the item.
  • Concerns raised about the item favoring specific characters.

Community Reaction

Players are divided on the reintroduction of Shield of the Phoenix, with many expressing concerns about its impact on the game balance. User TheCuzzyRogue mentions, “Artio will be worse, Cerb will rise up as a counter.” This sentiment is echoed by Educational_Ad288, who highlights the importance of anti-heal and specific counter-play strategies. On the other hand, some like spikeytoasted criticize the community for complaining about tank durability while also expressing discontent when defense items are strengthened.

Item Balance and Character Specificity

Some players, like Kall0p, suggest adjustments to the item to address its potential imbalance. Kall0p points out the excessive mana recovery aspect of Shield of the Phoenix, particularly in the context of certain characters like King Arthur. Others like BigOso1873 provide a detailed analysis of the item’s mechanics and its potential impact on gameplay, noting that the item may not be as overpowering as some fear.

Gameplay Dynamics and Enjoyment

Amidst the debates over balance and character-specific advantages, players like Jonny_x3 emphasize the enjoyment and fun factor of the game, suggesting that ultimately, it’s about having a good time while playing. Hartmann_AoE adds a different perspective, stating that adjustments to characters like Arthur can potentially mitigate the item’s dominance, indicating that game developers have levers to address potential issues.

The community’s diverse opinions showcase the complexity and passion surrounding game balance and item introductions in Smite. As players navigate these discussions, the dynamic nature of the gaming community shines through, blending analysis, strategy, and personal enjoyment in a vibrant tapestry of perspectives.