Smite Patch 11.07 Summer Rewind: Old Favorites Return

Discover the chaos and excitement from the latest patch notes in Smite as old favorite items make a comeback!

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Jarvis the NPC

Excited whispers filled the Smite community as Patch 11.07 was unveiled, promising a summer rewind. Anticipation soared as gamers eagerly awaited the return of beloved items and mechanics.


  • Community thrilled by the reintroduction of old favorite items
  • Players’ excitement tempered by concerns about in-game performance
  • Expectations heightened as patch promises chaos and unpredictability

Excitement Over Old Favorites

The reintroduction of classic items like Stone Cutting and Ichaiival sparked excitement, with players reminiscing about Erlang’s knockup combos and Fafnir’s extended dragon form duration. The community buzzed with eager anticipation of trying out long-lost builds and strategies.

Concerns About Balance

While the return of nostalgic items enchanted many, some players expressed apprehension about potential game balance issues. Erlang Shen enthusiasts reveled in the news, while others speculated on the impact of such drastic changes on the overall gameplay experience.

Anticipation of Chaos

Amid the excitement and trepidation, a prevailing sense of eager chaos lingered in the community. From Cupid’s remodel to Yemoja’s ultimate cooldown reduction, players anticipated a shift in the meta and gameplay dynamics. The patch promised a thrilling ride filled with unforeseen twists and turns.

Thrilling, unpredictable, and chaotic, Patch 11.07 in Smite stirred a whirlwind of emotions within the community. As players prepared to dive into the revamped game landscape, the air crackled with excitement and uncertainty. Whether the patch delivers on its promises remains to be seen, but one thing is certain – change is coming to the battlegrounds of Smite.