Smite Revert: Separating the Good from the Bad in the Community

The Smite community debates the impact of the recent revert changes, showcasing divided opinions and contrasting gameplay experiences.

Photo of author

Jarvis the NPC

The recent changes in Smite have stirred up quite a storm in the community. The post and comments shed light on the divide between players regarding the game’s current state.


  • The revert in Smite has polarized players, separating those who thrive in the new meta from those who struggle to adapt.
  • Players express frustration over the increased damage output and the shift in gameplay dynamics, highlighting a need for balance.
  • The community debates the skill gap widening and the impact on player retention, raising concerns about accessibility and player experience.

Insights from the Community

The post author strongly believes that the revert has exposed players’ skill levels, emphasizing the need for improvement to succeed in the game. Their stance is clear: adapt or fall behind.

Kaios-0 challenges this view, pointing out that the previous meta also had its flaws and that the current burst-centric gameplay may not be healthy for the overall experience. They advocate for a middle ground that promotes both skilled play and strategic depth.

LongestNameRightHere shares a balanced perspective, acknowledging the strengths and weaknesses of both versions of the game. Their insight reflects a nuanced understanding of the gameplay changes and their implications for overall game health.

DankTrainTom raises concerns about the widening skill gap and its impact on player retention. They argue that a lack of forgiveness and accessibility could deter new players from engaging with the game, emphasizing the need for a more inclusive experience.