Smite: The Nerf to Placeable Ward Count in Smite 2 Feels Unnecessary

Players debate the recent ward count nerf in Smite 2 - is it a necessary adjustment or a misstep?

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Smite community are divided over the recent changes to ward count in Smite 2. Some feel the nerf is unnecessary, while others see it as a vital adjustment for game balance.


  • The reduction in ward count has sparked debate on the need for strategic vision control.
  • Players miss the detailed map coverage provided by wards in Smite 1.
  • The shift to active items over relics has polarized opinions on game mechanics.

Players’ Perspectives

Opinions on the changes in Smite 2 are varied. Some players believe that the nerf to ward count detracts from the strategic depth of the game…

Concerns About Smite 2

One common concern voiced by players is the lack of customization options compared to Smite 1…

Debate on Jungle Buffs

The discussion also extends to the impact of these changes on jungle gameplay…

The Smite community remains divided on the direction of Smite 2, with players eager for further updates and improvements.