Smite – The Return of Old Glad Shield Sparks Excitement in the Community

Discover why the return of Old Glad Shield in Smite is causing a stir among players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Excitement ripples through the Smite community as the beloved Old Glad Shield makes a return, sparking discussions about its impact on gameplay.


  • Players rejoice at the nostalgic return of Old Glad Shield,
  • Guardians now have the opportunity to utilize the shield’s power,
  • Debates arise about the shield’s effectiveness compared to its previous iterations.

Players Eager for a Trip Down Memory Lane

Revisiting the past has never felt so satisfying for Smite players, as the Old Glad Shield’s return brings a wave of nostalgia and excitement. With the shield back in play, players are eager to relive old strategies and experiences from a bygone era.

Guardians Join the Fray

The absence of power on the shield opens up new opportunities for Guardians, a shift that diversifies playstyles and team compositions. The once-exclusive item now finds its way into the hands of new wielders, adding a fresh dynamic to matches.

The Glorious Return Under Scrutiny

While the shield’s comeback is met with joy, some players voice concerns over its balance and impact. Debates ensue about its current state compared to its former glory, sparking discussions on its place in the ever-evolving meta.

From heated debates to jubilant celebrations, the return of Old Glad Shield in Smite has ignited a fire of nostalgia and excitement within the community. Players eagerly await the chance to wield this iconic item once more, relishing the memories and strategic possibilities it brings to the battlefield.