Smite: Understanding Healers in Assault Mode

Discover the heated discussions on Smite subreddit about healer priorities in Assault mode. Are healers focusing on damage rather than team support?

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to Smite, the community can’t seem to agree on healer priorities, especially in the chaotic battlefield of Assault mode.


  • Healers in Smite’s Assault mode face scrutiny for prioritizing damage over team support.
  • Players debate the effectiveness of unique builds and item choices for healers in Assault.
  • The balance between offensive and defensive playstyles for healers sparks heated discussions.

Cookie Cutter Builds vs. Adaptability

Sabota1659 shares frustration at players rigidly following conventional builds in Assault, advocating for adaptive strategies to maximize healing potential. Their experience with a tanky mage Eset highlights the clash between traditional roles and versatile gameplay influencing healer decisions.

Individual Skill and Team Coordination

Commentary from Hellish_Elf reflects the importance of player skill and team cohesion in optimizing healer effectiveness in Assault. Players’ tendencies to prioritize personal performance over team play impact healers’ decision-making processes.

The Evolving Meta

Stormfront136 discusses the impact of meta shifts on healer priorities in Smite, pointing out the rising emphasis on damage output due to faster-paced gameplay. The dialogue highlights the evolving strategies healers must adopt to succeed in competitive environments.

WallyOShays’ emphasis on itemization showcases the varying approaches players take in maximizing healer potential in Assault, shedding light on the versatile playstyles healers can adopt to thrive in dynamic combat scenarios.