Smite Update Sparks Controversy Among Players: A Deep Dive

Discover the heated reactions within the Smite community to the latest game update.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Smite community are buzzing about the latest game update, sparking both excitement and concerns. Let’s dive into the reactions!


  • Players are divided on the impact of the recent game update
  • Mages feel overshadowed by other classes in the changes
  • Concerns raised about the balance implications of new items

Player Reactions

Some players expressed frustration, with one commenting, ‘Mages out here begging for scraps after this patch.’ The sentiment echoed a feeling of neglect among mage players, who felt overshadowed by buffs to other classes.

Community Discord

Others, however, defended the changes, pointing out that similar items exist in other MOBAs. One user argued, ‘It’s bad for the game that’s why almost every single other moba in existence has this exact same item in some form guys.’

Balance Concerns

Concerns about game balance were also prevalent, with players worrying about facing overpowered setups in matches. A user noted, ‘You say finally until you are fighting triple warrior teams after this + everything else goes live and you are the carry.’

Closing Thoughts

The Smite community remains divided on the recent update, with varying opinions on its impact. As the dust settles, players continue to adapt and voice their perspectives on the evolving game landscape.