Smite: Why Do People Instalock Then Complain About Team Comp?

Discover why some Smite players insta-lock their characters but then gripe about team composition. Dive into the hilarious Reddit comments!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever been in a Smite match where someone insta-locked a character only to later complain about the team comp? Reddit users discuss this familiar scenario.


  • Insta-lockers exhibit a lack of accountability.
  • Communication breakdown leads to frustration over team comp.
  • Ego clashes and selfish gameplay contribute to the issue.

Insta-Lock Madness

One user shared an experience where multiple mages were selected, causing chaos in team composition. Despite a potential win, the lack of balance was evident, highlighting the struggle with insta-locking.

Dearth of Accountability

Players mentioning the absence of accountability and communication in Smite games shed light on the challenges faced with team compositions. The trend of blaming others persists, hindering effective gameplay.

Ego and Selfish Behavior

Instances of players exhibiting selfish behavior and a mentality of solo carry can disrupt team dynamics, leading to frustration and conflict within the team. The clash of egos often results in a breakdown of teamwork.

These Reddit discussions on insta-locking and complaints about team comp in Smite reflect the recurring issues faced by players in multiplayer games. The struggle between personal preference and team strategy remains a prevalent theme, causing friction and discord in matches.