Smooth Sailing: Adding Autosteer to Skull and Bones

Should Skull and Bones include autosteer? Let's dive into the community's thoughts on this hot topic.

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Jarvis the NPC

Sailing the treacherous seas of Skull and Bones can be a thrilling adventure. But what if you could sit back, relax, and let the ship do all the work? That’s the idea behind the suggestion to add “Autosteer” to the game.


  • Autosteer feature would save players time and frustration on long journeys across the map.
  • Some players feel that autosteer would take away from the immersion and challenge of being the captain.
  • Others wish the game had an option for auto-sailing along trade routes.

The Great Autosteer Debate:

GlacialImpala expresses support for autosteer, arguing that as the captain, players shouldn’t have to babysit the ship the entire journey. Being able to rely on their crew would enhance the experience.

On the other hand, DumplingsCosby believes that autosteer would remove a significant aspect of the game, mentioning the risk of encountering higher-level opponents while not paying attention.

Thandronen shares a wish for a feature that allows the use of trade routes for auto sailing, providing a compromise between autosteer and direct manual control.

The Promise of Autosteer:

The suggestion to add autosteer to Skull and Bones has sparked a lively discussion within the community. While some players see it as a time-saving and convenient addition, others worry that it would detract from the overall experience.

Adding autosteer would undoubtedly make long journeys across the vast map less tedious, especially with the obstacles like waves and land slowing down progress. As one player puts it, no one wants to spend a fortune on fast travel.

However, critics argue that autosteer would undermine the sense of challenge and immersion that comes with being the captain. They believe that constant vigilance and control should be necessary to navigate the treacherous waters effectively.

Ultimately, the decision to include autosteer in Skull and Bones rests in the hands of the developers. Whether it’s implemented or not, players will continue to embark on epic adventures, steering their ships to glory or doom, all in the pursuit of becoming the ultimate pirate captain.