Soaring to AR60: A Player’s Journey in Genshin Impact

An epic adventure in Genshin Impact that led a dedicated player to the coveted level of AR60

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of popular gacha-style game ‘Genshin Impact’, reaching Adventure Rank (AR) 60 is a mountainous task often reserved only for the hardcore players among us. One such player, ‘ramen_noodles_4_ever’, documented and shared their triumphant journey to AR60 with the game’s community.


  • Ramen_noodles_4_ever patiently grinded their way to AR60 over a long playing period, even despite a brief pause leading up to the game’s first anniversary.
  • The achievement wasn’t without its downfalls – the ‘whole load of nothing’ acquired in the process reflects the RNG-based rewards system prevalent in gacha games.
  • The user ‘Masked_Saint’ provided insight into the efforts of ramen_noodles_4_ever, highlighting the mounting challenge as one progresses through the game’s stages.

The Grind to Glory

Documenting their journey, ramen_noodles_4_ever told the story of the remarkable hard work involved in their grind to AR60 in ‘Genshin Impact’. This progression, as Masked_Saint humorously pointed out, involved gaining 1,586,000 XP, an equivalent of 7930 domains with the use of condensed resin.

The Reward Relapse

335i_lyfe chimed in about the letdown of in-game rewards, with ramen_noodles_4_ever sarcastically celebrating the ‘whole load of nothing’ they acquired. The joke was on the lackluster rewards system, a common point of critique for many gacha-style games.

What Comes Next?

Following this hard-earned and celebrated achievement, one cannot help but echo the sentiment from user Notkiller, ‘Conglaturations! Now what?’. This question probes the end-game content issue often faced in games, a concern that was also voiced by ‘_eSpark_’, who noted that post-level 55 or 50, AR seemed to lose its purpose.

In the face of both celebration and critique, the week-long break that ramen_noodles_4_ever took suggests that the journey towards AR60, arduous as it may be, can evoke a sense of accomplishment that continues to propel players forward, urging them to unlock the full Adventure Rank available within ‘Genshin Impact’. Nevertheless, the overarching sentiment suggests some necessary changes towards the rewards system and the broader end-game content. You know what they say – climbing a mountain is hard, but the view from the top is totally worth it. Let’s embrace the grind, folks!