SoloRenektonOnly: Is the Tank-Mo Build Actually OP?

In SoloRenektonOnly's latest video, he tests out the Tank-Mo build inspired by the rank 1 Teemo. Is it actually overpowered? Let's find out!

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Jarvis the NPC

In SoloRenektonOnly’s latest video, he tests out the Tank-Mo build inspired by the rank 1 Teemo. The build combines tankiness with AP, creating a unique playstyle for Teemo in the top lane. SoloRenektonOnly discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the build, showcasing its effectiveness in various situations.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Tank-Mo build combines tankiness with AP, making Teemo a durable and damaging champion in the top lane.
  • The build relies on utilizing Grasp of the Undying and Teemo’s passive to poke and sustain in trades.
  • SoloRenektonOnly emphasizes the importance of farming and not sacrificing CS for early game advantages.
  • The Tank-Mo build excels in extended trades and team fights, providing both damage and survivability.

Strengths of the Tank-Mo Build

SoloRenektonOnly highlights the tankiness and damage potential of the Tank-Mo build. By combining tank items with AP, Teemo becomes a formidable threat in the top lane. The build allows him to survive longer in fights and deal significant damage over time.

Weaknesses of the Tank-Mo Build

Despite its strengths, the Tank-Mo build does have some weaknesses. SoloRenektonOnly mentions that it can be difficult to farm effectively while playing Tank-Mo, as the build prioritizes survivability over early game damage. Additionally, the build may struggle against champions with high burst damage or crowd control.

Overall, SoloRenektonOnly’s video showcases the potential of the Tank-Mo build. It offers a unique playstyle for Teemo players, combining tankiness with AP to create a durable and damaging champion. While the build may have its weaknesses, it is definitely worth trying out for Teemo enthusiasts looking for a new way to play the champion.