Discover the perfect new item for Renekton in Season 14 according to SoloRenektonOnly's latest video. Find out how it enhances his gameplay!

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Jarvis the NPC

SoloRenektonOnly explores the new item for Renekton in Season 14 in his latest video. Renekton has suffered from the lack of suitable Bruiser items, but Riot has finally provided a solution. The Thundering Sky and Shojun items were not working effectively with Renekton’s abilities, particularly his W. However, the new item greatly improves his gameplay and adds significant damage output.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Riot has introduced a new item for Renekton in Season 14 that greatly enhances his gameplay.
  • Previous Bruiser items like Thundering Sky and Shojun were not effective with Renekton’s abilities, particularly his W.
  • The new item provides a significant increase in damage output for Renekton, making him a formidable force.

The Perfect New Item for Renekton in Season 14

In his video, SoloRenektonOnly discusses the struggles that Renekton players have faced due to the lack of suitable Bruiser items in Season 14. The Thundering Sky and Shojun items, which were intended to work well with Renekton’s kit, did not provide the desired results. However, Riot has finally given Renekton the perfect new item that significantly improves his gameplay.

Enhancing Renekton’s Abilities

The new item boosts Renekton’s damage output and enhances his abilities, particularly his W. Previously, Renekton players were unable to effectively utilize the Thundering Sky and Shojun items with his W, resulting in suboptimal performance. However, the new item addresses this issue and allows Renekton to unleash devastating attacks.

A Formidable Force

With the new item, Renekton becomes a force to be reckoned with in Season 14. The increase in damage output makes him a formidable opponent in the Top Lane. Renekton players can now confidently engage in fights and dominate their opponents with ease.