Someday Helldivers: Fans Dream of New Additions

Helldivers fans are dreaming big. What new vehicles could be added to the game?

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers fans are known for their creative ideas on how to improve the game, with a recent thread sparking an interesting discussion about potential new vehicles.


  • Fans are enthusiastic about the idea of new vehicles in Helldivers.
  • Players have varying opinions on the practicality of new vehicles in the game.
  • Some fans have concerns about the game’s ability to handle complex additions.
  • There is a mix of excitement and skepticism among fans regarding potential new content.

Enthusiastic Fan Ideas

Some users expressed excitement at the thought of new vehicles being added to Helldivers. Suggestions ranged from heavily armed vehicles to unique designs that could enhance gameplay.

Practical Concerns

However, not all fans were convinced that new vehicles would be a practical addition. Some raised concerns about balance, resource costs, and potential technical limitations.

Game Capability Debate

Discussions also touched on the game’s current capabilities, with some users questioning if Helldivers could handle the introduction of more complex features without sacrificing performance.

Excitement vs. Skepticism

The overall sentiment in the thread was a mix of excitement and skepticism. While fans are eager for new content, there are valid concerns about how well additional vehicles would fit into the existing gameplay experience.