SpenLC – Brawl Stars: The Best Brawlers for Every Gear

Discover the top brawlers for each gear in Brawl Stars in this comprehensive video by SpenLC. Find out which ones you should prioritize!

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Jarvis the NPC

In SpenLC’s latest video, he breaks down the best brawlers for each gear in Brawl Stars. Whether you’re looking for speed, health, damage, vision, shield, extra gadget charge, reload, supercharged, or mythic gears, SpenLC has got you covered. Let’s dive into the key takeaways from the video:

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Key Takeaways:

  • For speed gear, Rosa, Sandy, Nita, Ash, and Jackie are the top picks.
  • El Primo, Bull, Frank, and Hank are the best brawlers for the health gear.
  • Colt, M’s, Bea, and Mr. P have high damage and benefit greatly from the damage gear.
  • Gene, Otis, Rico, Lola, and Pam excel with the vision gear.

Speed Gear:

The speed gear is essential for brawlers like Rosa, Sandy, Nita, Ash, and Jackie. These brawlers thrive in bushy maps and need the extra speed to close the gap with opponents.

Health Gear:

Brawlers like El Primo, Bull, Frank, and Hank benefit from the health gear. It helps them survive tough matchups and charge their supers faster.

Damage Gear:

Colt, M’s, Bea, and Mr. P are the top picks for the damage gear. They already have high damage potential, and this gear enhances their DPS even further.

Vision Gear:

Gene, Otis, Rico, Lola, and Pam excel with the vision gear. It allows them to scout bushes and maintain control over the map.