SpenLC – Brawl Stars: The Most Underrated Star Powers & Gadgets | Season 20

Discover the most underrated star powers and gadgets in Brawl Stars Season 20 in this video by SpenLC.

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Inside of today’s video, SpenLC – Brawl Stars explores the most underrated star powers and gadgets in the game’s current season. With recent updates, certain star powers and gadgets have become underappreciated but are now rising in popularity. Let’s dive right in!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Brock’s star power, More Rockets, adds 44% more Rockets to his super, making it more effective in chaining attacks.
  • Rosa’s star power, Thorny Gloves, adds extra damage to her super, making her even more powerful in close-range combat.
  • 8-Bit’s star power, Boosted Booster, increases his turret range and damage, making him a formidable force on the battlefield.
  • Mortis’ star power, Coiled Snake, allows him to dash more frequently, increasing his mobility and making him deadlier in combat.

Underrated Star Powers:

In the video, SpenLC highlights several star powers that are often overlooked but provide significant advantages in gameplay. One of these underrated star powers is Brock’s More Rockets, which adds extra Rockets to his super, allowing for better map control and chaining attacks. Another underrated star power is Rosa’s Thorny Gloves, which increases her damage output and makes her even more threatening in close-range combat. 8-Bit’s Boosted Booster is also highlighted as an underrated star power, as it increases his turret range and damage, making him a formidable force on the battlefield. Lastly, Mortis’ Coiled Snake star power is praised for its versatility and increased mobility, allowing for more deadly plays.

Underrated Gadgets:

In addition to star powers, SpenLC also discusses underrated gadgets that can give players an edge in battles. Nita’s Bear Paws gadget is highlighted as a powerful tool against tanks, as it can interrupt their supers and attacks. Byron’s Booster Shots gadget is praised for its healing capabilities and ability to quickly cycle his super. Gray’s Grand Piano gadget, while not as popular as Walking Cane, is noted for its wall-breaking ability, which can be crucial in certain compositions and maps. Willow’s Have Dive gadget is described as a useful tool for wasting time and buying yourself and your team some breathing room. Mandy’s Cookie Crumbs gadget is commended for its ability to pierce through obstacles and apply pressure to enemies. Cordelia’s Replanting gadget is mentioned as a great tool for aggressive plays, allowing her to quickly close the gap between opponents and charge her super. These underrated gadgets can be game-changers when utilized effectively.

In conclusion, SpenLC – Brawl Stars’s video highlights the most underrated star powers and gadgets in the current season. By utilizing these underrated abilities, players can gain a significant advantage in battles and dominate the game. Whether it’s chaining attacks with Brock’s More Rockets or breaking walls with Gray’s Grand Piano, these underrated star powers and gadgets are worth exploring and incorporating into your gameplay. Don’t sleep on these underrated abilities!